What is Dapp?

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We all know that App is an acronym for application, which is a client application. Dapp is a decentralized application. D is the initial letter of the English term decentralization, which implies "decentralization."

If this is a little confusing, we can explain it more simply: An app is a centralized system application, whereas a Dapp is a blockchain application. Dapps are what APPs are to iOS and Android. That is, a Dapp is a combination of a front end and a smart contract.

Because a smart contract is an electronic contract code that, once created, cannot be changed or interfered with, and it is broadcast and recorded in the blockchain for decentralization. The smart contract will automatically be activated once one of the external criteria, such as default or contract expiration, changes.

Dapps may connect consumers and developers directly by relying on the restrictions of smart contracts, eliminating the need for intermediaries to handle code and user data.

Building Dapps also does not require approval, and no company or centralized organization can change the platform's rules.

Today, there are more than 1000 Dapps on Ethereum. Although Ethereum is now the most advanced Dapp platform, other new public chains have appeared in recent years, and each public chain runs a variety of Dapp's that may serve the demands of chain users

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